fredag 30. desember 2011

2011 and New Year's resolutions

Can't believe it's already the last day of 2011 tomorrow.
This year went way too fast, but it was also an amazing
year filled with hapiness , crazy moment and tears.

I'm going to post some pictures from all highlights of 2011.

2011 was the year Janicke and me became closer friend, altough
we were already good friends we kind of turned into real retards this year.

I went to England and met many good friends from my exchange year 2009/2010
! I wanna go back!

We had a clas-trip to Barcelona,the first night was horrible as
we lost our bus and loads of shit-stuff happened, but the rest of the trip was
AMAZING and I really miss it.

I went to Oslo with Janicke to meet Celine, Martin, Henriette and Miriam.
It was one of the best Oslo-trips I've ever had because to much funny
stuff happened!

Desucon 6 (or was it 5). The con itself was pretty boring as
I'm not longer interested in Manga and Anime like I used to, but I got
to see many awesome people again! And was having a j-fashion-show
this year as well! I was a mori-girl-model.

Best summer-holiday in a looong time although I spend it at home working and Janicke
was 3 weeks in Korea, because
I spend a lot of time with friends and I've never felt so energetic before. Probably
because I went jogging for 2 hours everyday at the gym. I really miss it.

Emily (from Bristol) came to visit me, we went to Oslo and she got to meet
Celine. It was nice, even though the weather was boiling hot.

Went to celebrate Celine's birthday-party as she was leaving for Japan 
to study. She's coming back in 2012, I miss her a lot </3 dat hoe

''Celebrated '' my own birthday with Janicke and SeungHee.
Best asians ever<3

Went with Janicke to Oslo the first day of xmas-holiday. We met Jonny,
a pretty interesting guy with the same stupid humor as both of us. He's got
chubby-cheek-fetish. Hopefully I'll become better friend with him in 2012 as he's
funny like...WALLAH BR0R

and that's all for 2011. Tomorrow night I'll be working till midnight
so I'll just write down my New Years resolution now. I do it every year because unlike
certain guys I actually manage to keep most of them. STRONG WILL IS STRONG ALRIGHT

1. Better grades- Hey! I need them alright
2. Eat less chocolate and candies- I already did a pretty
good job eating more vegetables which was a resolution from last year, so this
year I wanna be even kinder to my body

3. Friggin start jogging again- because I want my stamina back 

4. Stop sounding superbitch on the internet- seriously I think half of facebook
hates me because for some reason I always end up sounding
superbitchy although that's not my intention ._. I hope people will forgive me. I mean no harm.

I've got a feeling that 2012 is going to be even better than 2011, but
I've got to work for it to happen and I'm going to do so, because ''giving up'' is
non-existent in my dictionary. No srsly 
and sorry if nothing made sense because I'm super-tired for 
no reason at all

Got any New Year's resolutions?

1 kommentar:

  1. cute pics ^___^
    i whis you wonderful new year! i whis to get better grades as well :D :D
