søndag 11. mars 2012

Morning sunshine! Have some breakfast!

I don't know why I'm sitting here blogging because I've obviously got more
important things to do like.... study for my psychology-test tomorrow???!!
but I already did study a bit so oh never mind that shit.
 any intereseting stuff to bitch about? Nope ... not really. Oh lately I've started to prefer my hair
all tied up (like in the picture above) because it's getting long and annoying (still not sure if I wanna cut it or not). Was that interesting enough for you? Fabulous

no actually I just wanted to show of the pic my brother took of me which turned out surprisingly good??
How the hell does a 9-year old kid know how to take better pictures than myself?

forever crying
my creys
baw baw 

so over to something completely different. I love food. Old news right?

Breakfast is definitely the meal that taste best and it's so underrated!!

So while stupid people skip their brekfast because they are in a hurry, I like
to spend a least 30 min on mine. Why? because I like it. (no one is stupid
alright, you may skip yours. Not my business).

I like to put effort into making my breakfast. A slice of bread with ham is waaay to
boring in my opinion, and does not even taste that good..

so here you go.

just be creative. If you can get out of that bed of yours ofc. 
Or stick with your cereal, slice of bread

Easter soon. Holy kamisama I really cant wait!

10 kommentarer:

  1. viktig med frokost! spesielt mer enn bare brødskive med ost og skinke. Selv foretrekker jeg toast med leverpostei og paprika...er litt gammeldags men det gir meg krefter for dagen:) Din frokost ser ganske nam ut med frukt og bær!

    og det var et kjempefint bilde av deg!

  2. uuh toast med leverposten høres godt ut! men må nok bytte ut paprikaen med noe annet tho XD er ikke så glad i det!

    Og takk og takk, tror jeg skal gi kameraet til min bror oftere :' D

  3. I am attracted by the word breakfast! : D Hahaha, some very good ideas here!

  4. Ønsker jeg hadde klart å stå opp tidlig nok til å lage no sånt og! o:
    Gud, så godt det ser ut! ^^
    Var en stund jeg hadde god tid til å gjøre sånt og :c
    Må manne meg opp!! o_o

  5. Nana: haha well yeah really simple to make : D

    Maria: det hender jeg lager kvelden før og setter det inne i kjøleskapet : ) smaker like godt om ikke bedre for da er det kaldt og godt!

    1. the foods look yummy. you look great, and good luck for the test :)

  6. You're toooo cute! Hehehe such yummy foods! xx

  7. aww thank you! same to you prettyface!

  8. I did not know about ur blog and is so cute! i'm following u now :) what about following eachother? :)
