Ship' o hoi!
So as i promised; Pictures of my pimped russ-pants!
lol ''follow me @ Xiaotinglu'' (twitter) I am quite the cleverbird ~
yup another motif from Sailor Moon ~ I love that heart-pocket! so adorable!
I also added som bling bling to it
the pants can been worn in two different way. 1. as normal bottoms or 2. as dungarees, so altough people most wear them like normal pants I still did some decoration on the ''other side'' because I never know when I wanna wear it this way!
moar sailor moooon
the back; can you spot chibi-Usagi and the sneak peek motif from yesterday?
Alright I'm really looking forward to this now
herp derp In the name of the moon I'll punish you!
I'll have to wear them from tomorrow on till 17th May without washing them
they symbolize that I'm soon to finish 13 years of school
ok I should go to sleep really...
Oh my got you got da russeswag! Dritkule bukser :D
SvarSletttusen taakkk : D
SlettSå sykt søt omg!! kan jeg spørre hva du har gjort for å få på farge? har du malteller brukt tusj? O.o
SvarSlettog sailor moon omg! <3 må nok ha en sailor på min bukse og! men jeg er svart russ da x'3
tusen takk! nei her har jeg brukt maling!: )
Slettbuksen din ble skikkelig fin! Du får ha en super russtid :D
SvarSletttakk takk! skal nyte hver dag som går,jeg :'D
SlettKjempekule! :D Jeg er ikke helt ferdig med russedressen min enda, men så begynner vi ikke å gå med buksene før på fredag her hvor jeg bor da :P
SvarSletttusen takk!
SlettOMG jeg elsker buksa diiii. SYKT KUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Slettomggg so intense ahahahhaa omggg sooo cute lololol
SvarSlettaww ahaha thank you : D yeah intense indeed. Bling overladed much
SlettNice Blog!
SvarSlettIt'd be great if you could check out and follow me:
EEEEEEEEEEEEPIIIIIIIIIIIIIISK! Jeg gleder meg til å treffe deg IRL <3
SvarSletthaha det blir koselig : D
SlettOh I saw the Sailor Moon, I should customized my wardrobe too!