So I'm a little behind the time with the blogging as this is from 16th may, the day before 17th May.
17th May is Norways independence day and it's also the last day as russ and as you can see I was fully prepared and ready to shout and sing in the parade!
I'm not sure how to explain this but in Norway we celebrate 17th May by eating strawberries and yummy food, spending time with family and friends and also participating in this big parade that takes place in every town. (ok I suck at explaining stuff, google it!)
While others get this special day of , I usually have to work every year at this day because it gets really busy at the restaurant, but this year I got the day off as I was russ and I wanted to participate in the parade and celebrate it with friends!
I think it's been a long time since I last time participated in the parade (about 8 years?)
so I was super excited! even got my megaphone ready! DOING THIS THE RIGHT WAY
to be continued...
SØTA. Håper du har hatt en sykt bra russefeiring som jeg hadde :D
SvarSletttakk pena! : D en av de beste feiringene assa<3
SvarSlettDu er så horete, en skam for kinesere. gå selg deg selv
SvarSlettyup jeg tjener fett på det! så mens jeg går og selger meg selv så kan du gå og skaffe deg et liv :p
Slettdu er så søt! den vakreste russen jeg noen gang har sett xP Håper du hadde det supert på 17 mai og at det været ikke var så rævva som det var i Trondheim :P
SvarSletttusen takk! været var ganske så flott, regnet på dagen men vi var heldige når vi gikk i tog : D
SlettCute pictures, especially the first one ^-^
SvarSlettthank you ^^